Develop customizations with the Eventgoose API

Our API provides a simple and powerful way to access and leverage data.
It gives you access to a wealth of information that you can effortlessly integrate into your own app or website.
Explore all the possibilities and create custom solutions that fit your exact needs.
This flexible and efficient tool allows you to customize and optimize everything the way you want.
It’s the ideal way to seamlessly connect EventGoose to your existing systems and take the user experience to the next level!

Find the manual you need

Develop a custom integration for your event or App with our comprehensive tutorials.

More than 1000 organizations have gone before you!

Eventgoose is the most user-friendly and complete online ticketing system. Are you looking for a suitable platform to sell online tickets for your event?

Unfair Amsterdam (Adam Nillissen)

We approached Eventgoose for an entirely new ticketing system for our temporary museum, during a time when there were few possibilities in the cultural sector and a lot of uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Eventgoose’s out-of-the-box thinking resulted in an amazing ticket shop with all the functionality needed to meet the challenges of that time. They were always accessible, quick to act, and incredibly supportive.

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with our team

Do you have questions or would you like more information about Eventgoose?
Please contact us. We are happy to help you.